The website has generously offered five excellent images that show various marble sections from the Forum of Augustus that have survived. The first photo (far left) shows a vertical section from a Forum of Augustus portico. A partial column is topped with a capital - and above that are three bands of marble (fascias) forming the architrave above the capital. Above that is a frieze filled with ornamental reliefs below a cornice decorated with two surviving dentils beneath a carved egg-and-dart motif.

Surviving sections of Portico

Portico Corinthian Capital

Head of Jupiter remnants from Attic

All 3 Images Copyright

The top middle photo shows a closeup of the portico's Corinthian capital, the upper part of which is mostly gone. Though most of the Acanthus leaves are also damaged, you can still see the overall two-tier arrangement of the leaves. These capitals were made of white Carrara marble. Notice also the fluted column below with a pronounced astragal (marble rim) all along the top surface. The third photo on the right shows two sections of the head of Jupiter that was centred within a circular Clipeus. Note the glaring gaze and furrowed brow of this Roman god. The carved thick hair and intricate beard are also very interesting.

Hall of the Colossus Wall Remnant

Portico end-wall niche fragments

Both Images Copyright

The photo on the left shows part of a decorated marble wall slab from the Hall of the Colossus. I believe this is an older photo of the same wall section seen further above. Notice the painted wave and floral designs. Due to 2,000 years of time and being in the ground, the paint colour may have changed, and it certainly has faded.

The photo on the right shows what remains of a wall niche used for statues. This niche was located at the end of a portico where it was framed by marble decoration.

They recreated the left side of the wall niche where you can see part of the original marble edging along the top left and bottom left. Also, a few blocks forming part of the portico wall below the niche are shown.

Within the niche, there appears to be part of an elogia beneath a section of the statue. Furthermore, on the left side, they show a large section of a Giallo Antico (yellow) marble column from the porticos of the Forum of Augustus.

Notice how this marble column section cracked into five parts. Could an earthquake have done that, or was it just people smashingthings to bits? It really is a shame how so much of the forum's beautiful marble decoration, which required so much skill and time to create,has been lost to us. I have often thought that ancient Roman buildings built in the Classical style were also works of art in addition to being practical structures.


The southern exedra in the early first century AD

The image above shows a court of law taking place in this forum's exedra located at the east end of the southern portico. Notice all the wall niches that contain statues. A very large statue is displayed in the centre of the back wall - this is Romulus holding Spoila Optima (weapons of an enemy defeated in single combat). All those smaller statues are Summi Viri.

The exedra on the opposite side of the forum, branching off from the Northern Portico, also had wall niches but the statues were different in context from the Summi Viri. Instead, this exedra'a wall niches displayed sculptures of Augustus' legendary family members - known collectively as the Julian Dynasty. And Julius Caesar was also a member of this family that claimed descent from the goddess Venus. Other wall niches in the northern exedra contained sculptures of the Alban Kings whohad ruled in Italy four hundred years before Rome was founded.

The southern exedra in the year 2014
Licensed from Dreamstime

The purpose of these many statues went beyond art - they were symbols that legitimized the power and authority of the Julian family members by exploiting the Roman practice of the "Cult of Ancestors." This was ancient propaganda using sculptures and inscriptions whereby Augustus is saying to the Romans: "My legendary family has a long and noble history in Roman civilization, and we are descendants of the god Venus. I am practically divine and thus have a legitimate right to govern and to wield power."

Actually, beyond the numerous statues, the whole forum itself broadcasted that message loudly. It did so simply through its sheer size, and its lavish architecture and art which all worked to underscore the accomplishments of Augustus, his ancestors, and his connection with the gods Venus and Mars. Of course,such a large and luxurious forum also made obvious Augustus' wealth and power.

Location of Southern Exedra in the Forum of Augustus

Besides the physical propaganda aspects of the forum, however, the spaces and facilities it provided were indeed useful and much needed by the people of Rome. There was a lot of space to conduct civic affairs in his forum - the colonnades on either side of the temple were approximately 14 metres (46 feet) wide and 110 metres (360 feet) long, which provided much space to conduct business. Also, at the temple end of each colonnade were two huge Exedras (40 metres wide - 130 feet) used for holding courts of law and other administrative functions suchas meetings of the Roman Senate. And, of course, Augustus' forum did much to add to the grandeur and beauty of the city of Rome.

An interesting aspect of the northern and southern exedras is they each housed a huge statue within a large niche in the centre of their inner wall. The southern exedra house a large statue of Romulus, who founded the city of Rome. But the exedra branching off the northern portico housed a huge statue of Aenas (holding his father and son) from whom Augustus claimed descent (Aenas was the son of Venus). I have read claims that these statues were over 13 metres (45 feet) high - meaning there had to be a wall niche even higher to house it.


Temple of Mars Ultor in the year 1 AD
Remaster of a painting by unknown artist

The Temple of Mars Ultor dominated the Forum of Augustus as it was undoubtedly designed to do. Large, talland lavishly constructed with white Carrara marble, this was surely one of the most beautiful temples in Romewhen completed in 2BC. It was also 50% larger than the temple in the Forum of Caesar next door. The wide staircase was made of long, marble slabs covering a concrete substructure. The foundation (podium) upon which the entire temple stands is made of blocks of tufa limestone. Roman architects often covered the sides of a podium with a veneer of white marble slabs, a few of which can still be seen clinging to the side of the podium in the photo below.

It took forty years of planning and construction to complete this large temple - from 42 BC to 2 BC. A lot of thought, work, resources, and artistry went into its creation. For example, the high columns were 18 metres (60 feet) high and made of white Carrara marble. And there were eight columns along its front and the same number along its sides, thus making it an octastyle temple. Its architectural style was the Corinthian order, much loved by the Romans for its tall and slender columns, lavish capitals, and ornate entablature and cornice. Back in the day, visitors to this forum must have been very impressed by this building.

The wide and triangular-shaped area below the rooftop with sculptures is called the Tympanum which contains seven sculptures of Roman gods and personifications. In the center is the Roman god of war Mars and (going left) is Venus, followed by (sitting) Romulus, and then the Personification of the Palatine Hill. Going right of Mars is the Roman goddess Fortuna, followed by Roma (sitting) , and then the Personification of the Tiber River. All these figures had significant meaning to the people of ancient Rome. But, of course, the most important figure was the Roman god Mars Ultor to whom the temple was dedicated.

Temple of Mars Ultor in 21st Century - Looking south-east
Image Licensed from

But twenty centuries has not been kind to this temple, as shown in the image above. This is what remains of the Temple of Mars Ultor in the 21st century: a staircase, the podium (temple platform), some wall sections, and four columns supporting a bit of entablature.

The arch gate you see between the columns is known to present-day Romans as the Arco dei Pantani, the "Gate of the Swamps" because, for so long after the fallof Rome, the forum areawas very swampy. Actually, it is said that the whole forum area was filled with swamps during the time of Romulus.But, as the Romans developed drainage and built efficient sewers, they gradually drained the area and made the ground usable.

Behind the temple, you can see that a large section of wall still stands. This wall was constructed from tough peperino and gabine stone blocks that were considered fireproof. Initially over 30 metres high ((98 feet), it was built to both contain the forum and protect it from a densely populated neighbourhood located on the other side of the wall, shown below. Seeinghow this wall is still standing after 2,000 years, I would say this definitely was a very tough and well-built wall.

Standing in the old Suburra looking at the Forum of Augustus firewall
Image Licensed from

The wall in the photo above is higher than you think because the street level centuries ago would have been much lower. Those two peoplelooking through the gate (Arco dei Pantini built by emperor Tiberius) are looking down into the forum below. Above the gate, you can see two surviving columns from the Temple of Mars Ultor and part of the temple wall and entablature.

This street is in an ancient neighbourhood of Rome called the Suburra, and it was a hotbed of crime and prostitution, where poorer residents and even politicians mingled in the taverns and brothels that filled the area. It was also very prone to fires which made having a firewall very necessary. How interesting that such a dark, crowded underworld existed right beside this magnificent temple and forum. It makes me wonder if the ancient forum was full of pick-pockets, for example.Indeed there must have been several armed guards on duty at all times.


The roof of this temple is shown correctly in this website's drawings. However, often in other recreation drawings, you will see a large statue located at the centre of the roof - this is incorrect and is just an artistic licence. The Romans made stone reliefs showing theTemple of Mars Ultor, and these reliefs clearly show a temple with only two statues in front, located at the extreme left and right of the roof. They are statues of winged victories, also known as Nike to the Greeks.The image below of a marble relief of the temple shows how it looked.

Ancient Roman marble relief showing the Temple of Mars Ultor
Image courtesy of Ancientdigitalmaps - CC BY-NC 2.0

As you can see, the rooftop is empty except for one lone Nike statue at the far right. And, of course, there would have been another Nike on the other side, which has been destroyed. Another carved relief of the same temple roof shows the two statues, which you can see by clicking here.

Amazingly, a foot from one of those statues, which were large and made of beautiful gilded bronze, has survived - it is shown below. It is a miracle that this gilded bronze foot somehow survived the ravages of time - it must have been buried deep in the ground all those centuries and thus hidden from pillagers' eyes.

Surviving bronze foot of a Nike sculpture from the roof of the Temple of Mars Ultor
Image courtesy of Jamie Heath - CC BY-SA 2.0

And just below the roof of the temple, the exquisite marble capital shown below is from inside the Temple of Mars Ultor. You can see little Pegasus-like carvings on the side and flowers above the traditional Acanthus leaves found on all Corinthian-style capitals.

It is indeed fortunate that this capital survived so we can glimpse how ornate and beautiful the inside of the temple must have been. Look how the large and delicate Acanthus leaves fold over towards us - imagine the amount of work to reduce the marbleto produce that effect. As a sculptor myself, I can tell you that this capital represents a lot of work and skill - the artist who did this was a master of his trade. And he very likely had to produce many capitals just like this for the temple. It is such a shame that so much work like this ended up being destroyed in lime kilns to produce mortar.

Marble capital from inside of Temple of Mars Ultor
Image courtesy of Amphipolis - CC BY-SA 2.0

It is perhaps no wonder the temple was still not completed when the forum opened, as evidenced by just this one capital. Indeed, it must have taken the sculptor many days, perhaps weeks, to carve all the fine detail. Judging by the overall flat surface of this capital, it was located above a pilaster instead of a roundcolumn. And there were certainly many pilasters inside the temple, each requiring an ornate capital just like the one in the photo - so much work, so much lost over the centuries.


Not long after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476AD, things fell apart pretty quickly in the Forum of Augustus. In fact, by the end of the fifth century, barbarians were already dismantling parts of the forum and this temple.Throughout the 500s and 600s, more destruction happened, and temple columns were taken apart and used elsewhere.For example, during the reign of barbarian Ostrogoth King Theodoric the Great (454 - 526 AD), the whole temple was practically dismantled for its beautiful white marble and other desired building materials.

In addition to aggressive pillaging, a massive earthquake in 867AD severely damaged the forum, causing a general collapse of many of the remaining structures. I assume that portions of the porticos, exedras, and whatever remained of the temple collapsed. It is hard to ascertain whether the porticos, for example,were destroyed by pillaging or earthquakes or - more likely - a combination of the two.

By the ninth century, most of the temple was gone, and Basilian Monks built the monastery of Sancti Basilii Scala Mortuorum ("Saint Basil of the Ladder of the Dead") on top of the temple podium. What an interesting name for a monastery, I must say.

Monastery on podium of Temple of Mars Ultor in 10th century
Artist Unknown

As seen in the image above, the Temple of Minerva in the Forum of Nerva (lower right) was still standing, and it remained that way until it was demolished in the 1500s. The point is that it is ratherastonishing, in comparison to the other forums, how quickly the Temple of Mars Ultor and the Forum of Augustus fell apart and sank into oblivion.

By the 12th century, Benedictine monks took over, and the monastery's name changed to Sancti Basili Arcus Nervae ("Saint Basil's of the Arch of Nerva"). The last significant change to the temple was in 1566 when PiusV, Pope from 1566-1572, granted control of the whole temple and forum complex to the Dominican Nuns. Over the years,these nuns constructed the Santa Maria Annunziata ai Monti church dedicated to the Virgin of the Annunciation.Because of its small size, the church was better known to locals as Annunziatina (the "Little Annunciation").

In the 18th-century drawing below, you can see the bell tower of the convent church rising above the four remaining columns of the Temple of Mars Ultor.

Bell tower of convent church within the Forum of Augustus
"Chiesa e Monastero di S. Maria Annunziata"
Giusippe Vasi - 1750s

In the image above, the forum is mistakenly identified as the "Forum of Nerva" (... del foro di Nerva ...) - perhaps a sign that most people had no awareness that Augustus had actually built this forum. In addition, the arched gate into the ruins of the forum is high enough for a horse and carriage to enter, which contrasts with the recent photo further above that shows the same view.

As the centuries went on, more buildings, primarily religious, were constructed around the temple until the early 20th century,when demolitions, under the regime of Benito Mussolini, began from 1925 to 1932to restore the temple and forum to its former state. Apart from the demolitions of non-Roman structures, the 1920s and 1930s also saw the start of excavations responsible for the forum we see today.

It is said that the forum faded rather quickly from the memory of the people of Rome because it more or lessjust vanished as an entity after the western empire collapsed. Moreover, it was one of the first major Roman public buildings to fall apart. I am sure Augustus would have been quite astonished(and greatly dismayed) by how quickly his beautiful and vital forum fell apart. But, nevertheless, here we are today, talking about Augustus' forum and temple, so not all was lost I might say, on the positive side.

Furthermore, speaking of Augustus, it is time to look at the man, his history, and why he built this forum in the first place.

The short answer is that he was the Roman who eventually became not only the first Roman Emperor but also the greatest.

Born in 63BC, the man given the title "Augustus" actually was the great-nephew of Julius Caesar. His birth name was Gaius Octavius Thurinus from the town of Velletri, 30 kilometres (20 miles) south of Rome's centre. While a teenager, he journeyed to Spain and crossed through the dangerous countryside to join his great-uncle Caesar who was battlingRoman General Pompey the Great. And Caesar was so impressed by his nephew's bravery that he decided to make him his heir, especially sincehis only legitimate child, Julia, had died in childbirth in 54BC, ten years before he was assassinated.

Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (Roman High Priest)
National Roman Museum

Two of the most critical events in Augustus' life were the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and the subsequent reading of Caesar's will that made him, at only 18 years old, officially his heir. At this point, he changed his name to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus - more commonly known in English simply as "Octavian".

The death of Julius Caesar caused a civil war that Octavian won with the assistance of Roman GeneralMarc Antony in 42BC. Ten years later, in 32BC, after a severe schism with Marc Antony, who had divorced Octavian's sister and threatened the integrity of the Roman Empire, Octavian declared war on Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, who was in a relationship with Marc Antony.

This new civil war was ended a year later, in 31BC, by a decisive naval battle in Actium, Greece, which Octavian won. His victory gave him complete control of Rome and all its lands. His victory also meant that the Civil War and the division of the empire ended, ushering in a long period of peace and prosperity for Roman civilization.

Marble busts of Queen Cleopatra VII and Roman General Marc Antony

Four years later, in 27BC, the Roman Senate gave him the honorary title Augustus - The Venerable One - at which point he was now the first Roman Emperor though he never called himself that. Instead, he called himself by another title the Senate gave him - Princeps ("first citizen"). As the defacto first Emperor of the Roman Empire, Augustus held all the power, and he used it to increase the size of the Roman Empire significantly. He also introduced many beneficial changes that led to two centuries of the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) throughout much of Europe and the Mediterranean.

Some of Augustus' positive changes include a more fair and consistent tax system, improved coinage, and an expanded system of roads all over the empire. He also instituted the Vigiles Urbani (City Watchmen), Rome's first firefighter/police force. In addition, he created the Cursus Publicus, which was a courier system using relay stations all over the empire to quickly conveyofficials, tax revenue, message, and letters.

Perhaps one of his greatest accomplishments was summed up by Augustus himself when he proclaimed:

“I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.”
- - Augustus (according to Suetonius, Roman historian)

There is some truth in his statement. During his reign, new marble quarries opened up northwest of Rome and vast quantities of white Carrara marble became available.As a result, Augustus began numerous building projects that included temples, aqueducts, baths, and his own forum. Furthermore, for the first time, people in Rome walking in public sometimes found themselves walking on marble surfaces. And during the many building projects that lasted for decades, the streets of Rome were often clogged with large marble blocks being transported through the city.

Augustus' many achievements made him very popular and much loved by both the Roman people and the Roman Senate - and that, in itself, was a major accomplishment.

Res Gestae Divi Augusti complete version in Rome
Licensed from Dreamstime

The best list of Augustus' accomplishments was actually written by himself. He wrote about the events of his life and all his major accomplishments and placed the document in his will with instructions that it be inscribed in various places throughout the empire.In 1938, a new and complete Latin version, shown in the photo above, was recreated and placed near the Ara Pacis in Rome.The best-preserved ancient version is found inside the Temple of Augustus located in Ankara, Turkey. It can be found inscribed on the inside Cella walls of the temple, and it was inscribed in both Latin and Greek.

At age 60, the Roman Senate conferred the title Pater Patriae - "Father of the Country" - on Augustus in the year 2BC. This action by the Roman Senate that honoured him also coincided with the opening of the Forum of Augustus that same year.In his forum, below the beautiful Quadriga gilded bronze sculpture of a chariot pulled by four horses, Pater Patriae was inscribed on the pedestal.


The Mausoleum of Augustus in 2021, Rome
Image Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali

At age 75, in the year 14AD, he passed away without leaving any heirs. Without sons to inherit, he had made his nephew, Marcellus, his heir. Sadly, this nephew died, leaving only Augustus' stepson he disliked, Tiberius, to become Emperor.

The photo above shows where his ashes were kept in the Mausoleum of Augustus in Rome near the banks of the river Tiber. At 90 metres in width (300 ft), this building had a cone-shaped roof topped with a bronze statue of Augustus that raised the height to 45 metres (150 ft). Augustus started building his mausoleum decades before his death.

Over many centuries of pillaging and neglect, the building deteriorated so badly that it was referred to as the "rotten tooth." Fortunately, from 2007 to 2021, years of renovations have restored this monumental building, of which only 30% of the original structure remains.Interestingly, it is believed there have always been cypress trees on the lower ring of the mausoleum. The round, central chamber is where Augustus and his wife Livia's remains were stored.

Augustus reigned as Emperor of the Roman Empire for over 40 years, from 31BC to 14AD, leaving an impressive legacy that has endured twenty centuries. The month of August still bears his name, just as July bears his father Julius Caesar's name. In 2014, renovations to the Baths of Diocletian were completed tocoincide with the 2,000-year anniversary of Augustus' passing in 14AD. "Requiescet in pace, Augustus" (Latin - Rest in Peace).


This forum was built primarily to fulfill a promise Augustus had made to a Roman god if he was granted victory in battle, as explained below.

In October of 42 BC, just two years after the assassination of his great-uncle Julius Caesar who had adopted him, Augustus and his ally, Marc Antony, were battling the armies of Brutus and Cassius. These were two Roman Senators who headed the conspiracy that led to the murder of Caesar in 44BC.

It was there, at the Battle of Philippi in Greece, that Augustus made an oath to build a forum and temple dedicated to Mars Ultor, Roman god of war and vengeance, if he was granted victory.

Roman god Mars Ultor

After almost being defeated in the first battle, Augustus and Marc Antony were finally successful during the second battle.True to his promise, plans to build the Forum of Augustusstarted in the year of 42BC. It would then take Augustus forty years to purchase the land, plan the architecture, buy materials, and have artists create the numerous statues and other artwork needed to complete his forum thatwould symbolize the Augustan age. Interestingly, the large Temple of Mars Ultor was so lavish in its construction that it was still not finished on his forum's opening day of August 1, 2BC.

Building a forum and large temple dedicated to the avenging god of war Mars Ultor fit perfectly with Roman philosophy regarding war. The Roman attitude was that most of their wars were justified because they were "avenging" wrongs or disturbances to the natural order caused by their enemies. Incredibly, Romans often did not see themselves as ruthless or aggressive conquerors.

The association with Mars Ultor also made the forum the centre of many functionsimportant to the Romans. Many of those functions involved the business of war.

For example, it was from this forum that military commanders would first set forth to go to war. It was here that the Roman Senate would meet to discuss critical military matters such as declaring war and recognizing Roman triumphs in battle. And when triumphs did happen - and there were many - the prized loot of triumphs was kept here.

Furthermore, this forum was also where 15-year-old Roman boys underwent the ceremony that allowed them to wear the Toga Virilis, the white toga of manhood, which then allowed them to enter the military at age 17.

Very quickly, this forum became all-important for the administrative, military, and political life of the Roman Empire. In fact,the architectural plan of the Forum of Augustus became a template for the rest of the empire, and thus many other Roman cities built a similar forum in their central area.

His reason for building the forum was the increase in the number of the people and of cases at law, which seemed to call for a third forum, since two were no longer adequate. Therefore it was opened to the public with some haste, before the temple of Mars was finished

Suetonius, "The Life of Augustus" 29

As mentioned earlier, in addition to building his forum to honour Mars Ultor and his legacy, it was built because of the Romangovernment's pressing need for more space to conduct legal proceedings and other matters. Both the city of Rome and the empire had grown so huge that there was a great demand for court cases which had to be held somewhere.

Moreover, the Roman government's need for space became so great that Augustus' forum was used to conduct legal proceedings in the porticos and exedras years before construction was completed, as stated by Suetonius in the quote above.

This ends the discussion of the Forum of Augustus. If you ever go to Rome, make sure to visit this great forum. Though much of it is gone, you will still be quite impressed by what remains. For your convenience, I have placed the Forum Guide below if you would like to explore another of the great forums of Rome.


The links below offer additonal information about the FORUM OF AUGUSTUS, including entrance fees, hours, how to get there, etc.

A Tourist in Rome - Forum of Augustus, part of the great "A Tourist in Rome" section at

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