101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (2024)

Cat Names

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (1) 18 Comments on 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas For Your New Kitten 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (2)Last updated Apr 14, 2023

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (3)

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101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (4)

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101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (10)

Male kittens are just as playful and entertaining as female kittens. Most people assume and associate kittens with females, so finding a male kitten name is pretty difficult. Here are ten popular kitten names for your lovely male kitten.

In This Article

  • Male Kitten
  • Female Names
  • Names Based on Character
  • Names Based on Appearance
  • Names Based On Color
  • Creative and Unusual Names

Cute Male Kitten Names

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (11)

  • Thunder- Kittens are fast, so this is a no-brainier. Naming your kitten Lightning is a bit common, and thunder sounds a bit more creative. Besides, thunder is a name your kitten will gladly stake claim to.
  • Stewart- Who would not want to give their kitten the name of a rich butler or six year old kid. Stewart is a nice name for a kitten who sleeps too much to care about what is going on around them.
  • Ed- This common name suits a cat who is nice and to the point. While Ed is not a particularly creative name, it is memorable and easy to pronounce for the little ones at home.
  • Gary- For those who do not know, Gary is the name of the snail in Spongebob Square pants, which happens to resemble a cat. This is pretty creative for a cat just as smart and quirky as Gary.
  • Melon- If you have a male kitten who eats a lot, melon may just be the name for him. It is nice and symbolic, and it has a nice ring to it.
  • Future- Your kitten may be a time traveler, or may rip your household calendar. Whatever the case may be, Future is a nice, creative name for a nice and creative cat.
  • Shadow- Kittens are some of the most mischievous animals in the world, so next time you notice that something was missing without any indication of where it went, just look for Shadow.
  • Justin- Justin is a cool name. It resembles a nice laid-back individual. However, what if I told you that it works well as a cat’s name. You would not believe me.
  • Laptop- This name is a bit peculiar, but with millions of cats in the world, who does not have a cat by this name?
  • Paws- This one was just going to have to be on the list. With a name just as common as this, it is also very memorable for the whole family.

Popular Female Names

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (12)

Button- Your kitten likes to tear up clothes right? In that case, I think we just found her a new name.

It is rather easy to name a female cat. So many people associate kittens with females so this is an easy one. Here are some popular female kitten names:

  • Riley- This cute name is just right for an adorable, shy kitten who does not know how to be herself just yet.
  • Blossom- Who does not love the Power Puff Girls? While Buttercup and Bubbles would make terrific names, Blossom stands out as the most pleasant.
  • Angel- This name is really sweet. It would have been hard not to add it to the list.
  • Candy- The other description could have explained this better, but having a kitten as sweet as candy would not hurt.
  • Button- Your kitten likes to tear up clothes right? In that case, I think we just found her a new name.
  • Princess- This name might make your daughter jealous, and vice versa. Since kittens only get the luxury of having only first names, give your cat this privilege.
  • Love- You would be surprised how common this name is, and most people are too busy naming their kittens human names to notice.
  • Tina- This name is very cute and suitable for just about any kitten.
  • Precious- If your kitten is precious to you, then trying out this name couldn`t hurt.
  • Hope- This name is pretty common, but it is nonetheless beautiful and suitable.

Cute Names Based on Character

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (13)

Dream- Kittens love to sleep and daydream. This sounds befitting.

For those who prefer to name their cat according to his character, here are several fun names:

  • Fury- If you kitten likes to nibble on your fingers, here you go.
  • Envy- Kittens get jealous too, and at some point they want your attention just like little babies.
  • Happy- This name is a bit simplistic, but it gets the job done.
  • Brainy- Some kittens can open jars and find things that you hide. Brainy is the name for them.
  • Loco- Loco is Spanish for crazy for all of those that do not know.
  • Dream- Kittens love to sleep and daydream. This sounds befitting.
  • Cuddles- While it takes time for a kitten to get used to you, once they cuddle with you, you`re set for life.
  • Frady- Never heard of the saying, “Don`t be a frady cat.”? Now you have.
  • Fork- This name is for kittens who have a large appetite.
  • Thing 1- This name is very creative, and it`s for kittens who get into everything.

Cute Kitten Names Based on Appearance

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (14)

Rainbow- Due to genetics, some kittens are very multi-colored.

  • Shorty- This name is for kittens who don`t appear to be growing.
  • Lanky- Kittens can grow into very skinny cats.
  • Tumbleweed- If you have a cat who looks like a ball of hay, there you go.
  • Snowball- This is a pretty common name for white cats.
  • Gordo- This name is for a kitten who is a bit on the large side.
  • Rainbow- Due to genetics, some kittens are very multi-colored.
  • Lima Bean- This name is for an oddly-shaped kitten.
  • Frost- If you got a gray kitten, this name will work.
  • Eyeball- Almost all kittens have very big eyes.
  • Whiskers- There are so many cats with this name, but it’s a classic.

Cute Kitten Names Based On Color

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (15)

Tuxedo- Kittens with a black coat and white paws are normally called Tuxedo cats.

  • Solid- This name is definitely for a kitten with a consistent color.
  • Cinnamon- If you have a brown cat, here you go.
  • Cloud- This is also a name popular for white kittens.
  • Night- It is common but popular among black kittens.
  • Steel- Gray kittens are a marvel to look at, so steel works just fine for tough kittens.
  • Marble- This color is mostly associated with tabby cats.
  • Tuxedo- Kittens with a black coat and white paws are normally called Tuxedo cats.
  • Yogurt- A cat with a peach color can easily go by this name.
  • Sour Cream- Some rare breeds of kittens have a whitish-green color. This definitely fits.
  • Wolfie- A cat with a gray and white coat pattern looks almost like a wolf.

Cute, Creative and Unusual Kitten Names

  • T.V.- No one really names their kitten this, but you can if you`re that bold.
  • Clock- It is odd enough to name a kitten that has anything with time, except for you Future.
  • Liquid- Believe it or not, there are a lot of video game fans who name their only companion Liquid.
  • Konstantin- How could a sweet kitten be named anything as wicked as this?
  • Psalms- Catholic priests need pets too.
  • Nine Tailed Fox- All of the Anime fans get this one, but anyone else finds this very nerdy.
  • Jesse the Kitt- You could also name your cat after the famous outlaw.
  • Paw McCatney- You can go for double puns with this play on the name Paul McCartney.
  • Paw Revere- A punny version of the famous Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere.
  • Furrnado Cortez- The famous explorer makes for a nice, punny cat name.
  • Lord Sheddington- For long-haired cats that like to shed.
  • Scratchasaurus Rex- Another great name for cats that can’t control their scratching.
  • Don Drapurr- Named after everyone’s favorite Mad Men character.
  • Colin Feral- A funny play on the actor’s name.
  • Wolverine- For cats that like to scratch a lot.
  • Pepe Le Paw- For black cats with white stripes.

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (17)

Catastrophe- A great name for messy cats.

  • Genghis Cat- For an ambitious cat.
  • Cat King Cole- For jolly cats.
  • Catpernicus- For regal felines.
  • Sylvester Stallone- For black cats, to combine the cartoon cat with the actor.
  • Dust D- For grey cats.
  • Santa Paws- Reddish cats can benefit from this silly name.
  • Meow- You can always call your cat after its favorite word.
  • Potato Chip- Great for yellow or orange cats.
  • Catastrophe- A great name for messy cats.
  • Catatonic- A fitting name for sleepy cats or ones who are extremely lazy.
  • James A. Garfield- A mix of the US president and the popular comic strip cat. Great for orange cats.
  • Swayze- For the macho cats.
  • Dempsey- For the tom cats that the lady cats love.
  • CatDamon- For cats that are a bit of an action hero.
  • Catner- For any cat that boldly goes where it shouldn’t.
  • Picatso- Ideal for cats with an artistic flair or a unique face.

101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (18)

Brad Kitt- You could name the cat after the handsome actor.

  • Panther- An awesome name for dark cats with a heroic streak.
  • Skunk- If your cat has a white stripe on its dark fur, then why not?
  • Purrcy – This name is ideal for cats with light markings.
  • Sir Purrcival- For regal cats.
  • Krueger- If your cat’s claws are a nightmare, then give it this name.
  • Outclaw- For cats with sharp claws that would benefit from a western name.
  • Houdini- For the cat that always disappears when you call it.
  • Fuzz – Great for white cats that already look like they are wearing a spacesuit.
  • Catstro- A good name for cats that are very demanding little dictators.
  • Zedong- Another great dictator pun for your cat.
  • Brad Kitt- You could name the cat after the handsome actor.
  • Jesse- You could also name your cat after the famous outlaw.
  • Paw McCatney- You can go for double puns with this play on the name Paul McCartney.
  • Pawrevere- A punny version of the famous Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere.
  • Cortez- The famous explorer makes for a nice, punny cat name.
  • Lord Sheddington- For long-haired cats that like to shed.
  • Sabretooth- For cats that scratch too much.
  • Scratchasaurus- Another great name for cats that can’t control their scratching.
  • Don Drapurr- Named after everyone’s favorite Mad Men character.

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  1. Kitten Academy

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  1. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (27)Betsey Lloyd May 11, 2018 at 7:57 pm



  2. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (28)JD Aug 29, 2018 at 2:38 am

    Cute! Named One Frost!


    1. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (29)Stephanie Jan 3, 2022 at 3:46 am

      My very first cat was shiny black & I called him.Pyewackett. Sometimes Sweetie Pye, pumpkin Pye, sugar Pye. Loved him to bits..

  3. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (30)bob Dec 2, 2018 at 8:25 pm



  4. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (31)Rex Dec 11, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    I’m getting a 7 week old Flame Point Himalayan Jan. 2nd. I think I’m going to name her HEMI CAT, after the most iconic engine to come out of Detroit, ever.


  5. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (32)Breigh Dec 15, 2018 at 2:48 am

    I named my cat after the candy ” kit Kat” only spelled as ” kitcat” .


  6. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (33)Vanessa Feb 19, 2019 at 8:08 pm

    OMG! SO CUTE! Mine are Gracie, Suz-e-que, Dino, Yellow, Aport, Abrigo, Cola , Misha, California, Mama Cat, Snowball and Jeeper. Yes, I have 12 cuties!


  7. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (34)Fifi Apr 20, 2019 at 2:18 pm

    Over the years I’ve had: Aragon, Tasha, Yietza, Kagesmusha (Mushie or Mushicat), Ollie,
    Lilly, Fatty Abby, Sophie, Suki, and now Zuzu and Shadow.


    1. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (35)Fifi Apr 20, 2019 at 2:20 pm

      Kagemusha not Kagesmusha 🙁

  8. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (36)wyatt Jun 13, 2019 at 4:24 pm

    What about Griffin?


  9. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (37)Derek Oct 8, 2019 at 12:27 pm

    Luna is a cool one for siamese! and what about violet for a violent cat.


  10. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (38)charles Nov 2, 2019 at 2:11 am

    White Flamepoint Male. Rescue about 8 months old. He likes to bite, very gentle, when he is playing with me. I named him Tyson.


  11. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (39)Kitty Oct 13, 2020 at 9:46 am

    Just got back from you and your family are in the middle school tomorrow you will get better soon too much for me too baby girl I was just a bit late for work tomorrow and I will get it done before the end ? going on with you guys have a good day to be with you and your family is so cute in her room and I have no idea how to get the chance to win the league is it a lot of fun and be safe and sound like a good day at work and I have no clue what to tell her I would be nice and cool off and up the phone with my mom and dad are you doing today then I will be there for you to know what to do it again soon and I have no idea what to say that I am not sure what to say that you are a lot of fun with your family is in the middle of the day before I go e you are a lot to me about it and


  12. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (40)cute anime girl name Nov 1, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Cute! Named One Frost!


  13. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (41)I love kittens Mar 26, 2021 at 4:38 am

    we got 2 kittens we called one sid but we got a black cat and we were going to call it coco we haven´t made it official


  14. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (42)Kailee May 7, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    Hi I’m needing more help with my toy real kitten please comet to me because of naming it


  15. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (43)Rhonda Sep 8, 2021 at 5:35 pm

    Mine are 2 male tuxedo cats named Harley and Mr B or BB, one female a long hair bullseye Tabby who is mostly different colors of browns is Lizzie and she she thinks she owns the place and even though she is tiny she over powers the 2 tuxedo, she is precious. a male solid dark gray with emerald green eyes is Shadow he is a Munchkin cat has short legs very long soft gray hair tiny body and face and extremely lovable and docile. This is also called a dwarf cat. I have 4 new 3 week old kittens and I been to name them, one is solid black, 2 are black and white and on black, white and light brown stripes. Very faint stripes inly one one side dw. Please help me name them.
    PS I can’t keep them all so if you know someone who might want one please email l me.


    1. 101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (44)Carol Aug 6, 2022 at 4:29 pm

      Pls spay and neuter your cats. Ty

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101 Ridiculously Cute Name Ideas for Your New Kitten - Cats.com (2024)


What is the cutest name for a kitten? ›

Top cat and kitten names
  • Poppy.
  • Bella.
  • Misty.
  • Molly.
  • Daisy.
  • Tilly.
  • Luna.
  • Lily.
Aug 31, 2022

What can I name my new kitten? ›

Popular male names include Oscar, Max, and Sam, while popular female names are Bella, Chloe, Lucy, Missy, and Coco. Choosing a human name can add a touch of familiarity and endearment to your cat's identity. Make the naming process a fun and inclusive activity by involving the whole family.

What is the #1 cat name? ›

Kitty and Tiger are among the top cat names, but popular baby names such as Luna and Oliver are top choices for cats as well. Along with Luna, other popular girl cat names include Bella, Lucy, Daisy, and Willow — all also popular for human babies.

What is the most adorable kitten? ›

What Are the Cutest Cat & Kitten Breeds?
  • Bengal. ...
  • Munchkin. ...
  • Siamese. ...
  • Persian. ...
  • Ragdoll. ...
  • Scottish Fold. ...
  • Birman. Striking blue eyes, silky coat and a serene demeanor set the Birman apart. ...
  • Russian Blue. The Russian Blue has a stunning silver coat and a winning personality.

What is the cat God name? ›

Bastet is probably the best-known feline goddess from Egypt. Initially depicted as a lioness, Bastet assumed the image of a cat or a feline-headed woman in the 2nd millennium BCE. Although she combined both nurturing and violent qualities, her shielding and motherly aspects typically were emphasized.

What are some exotic cat names? ›

Rocco- This tough-sounding Italian name actually means rest.
  • Kameko- This Japanese name means a superior creature, as many cats feel they are.
  • Leonidas- This king's name is a wonderful play on lions.
  • Rasputin- You could name your exotic cat after the Russian prognosticator.
May 26, 2024

What are calm cat names? ›

Calm Cat Names
  • Serenity: A tranquil and peaceful feline companion.
  • Whisper: Quiet and gentle, a soothing presence at home.
  • Tranquil: Always composed, bringing a sense of calmness.
  • Harmony: Balances grace with a serene demeanor.
  • Zenith: At the pinnacle of tranquility and calmness.
Jan 14, 2024

What can I name my cat uniquely? ›

The most unique cat names
  • Albus.
  • Freckles.
  • Flora.
  • Cobalt.
  • Hermes.
  • Jaden.
  • Dash.
  • Cinnamon.
Jun 1, 2022

What is a cute name for a twin kitten? ›

Mona and Lisa – A cute couple of names for your beloved kitties. Phil and Lil – Phil and Lil DeVille are a set of twins on the charming Nickelodeon cartoon, Rugrats. Phoebe and Ursula – Remember that Phoebe from Friends had a twin named Ursula! Fitting names for two cats with very different personalities.

What is a loving cat name? ›

Trending names that mean love for girl cats include Esme, Freya, and Lennon. Male cat names that mean love include more familiar options like Jedidiah, Cupid, or Davie, as well as more offbeat names like Aiko, Lemmitty, or Thando.

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Cute Pet Names
  • Coco.
  • Minnie.
  • Buddy.
  • Fifi.
  • Chip.
  • Mitzy.
  • Trixie.
  • Kitty.
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.